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Easy-Peasy Home Made Loaf Recipe

AvatarChefMickael JahanDifficultyBeginner

Portion size1 Serving
Prep Time30 minsBake Time25 minsTotal Time55 mins

 500 g Wheat flour
 310 g Water (30 degrees celsius)
 8 g Sea salt
 2 g Dried yeast


Dilute salt and dried yeast with water from recipe then add your flour to it, mix all ingredients together with one hand until it forms a boule (make sure the bowl is nice and clean from any particles
Keep squeezing and squashing the dough agains't the side of the bowl for a couple of minutes then stop and cover with cling film or a plastic bag and let it rest at room temperature for 20 minutes


Knock back:
After 20 minutes, remove the dough from the bowl, place it on a lightly floured table and start folding the edges in the middle (this will finish off the mixing process and will knock back the dough at the same time) then place it back into the mixing bowl smooth side facing up (covered) and let proof at room temperature for up to 90 minutes (covered)


After the 90 minutes, repeat exactly what you've done in previous stage (above)
Line up your proofing container / bread basket with a bit of flour and place your loaf up side down (smooth side down)
Cover with a plastic bag / cling film to avoid drying out


Let the bread proof at room temperature for up to 120 minutes (depending on room temperature), the bread should have risen to about twice it's original size


Bake profile for the use of cast iron or terracotta pot:
Pre-heat your oven with your cast iron / terracotta pot (including lid) at 250 degrees
Once your oven is ready, flip your bread basket onto a parchemin paper, add flour on the bread surface if you wish too and score the bread to your liking
Remove the baking pot from the oven and slide the bread into it (with parchemin paper), place the lid back on and bake for 35 minutes with lid on at 230 degrees

IMPORTANT NOTE: these baking temperature & time are for a "half serving portion", you can change portion size on the left side top corner of the recipe page to suit your bread portion size


Bake profile for baking straight on baking tray:
Pre-heat your oven (baking tray in) at 250 degrees and place a small terracotta dish filled with water to generate steam whilst the oven is pre-heating
Once your oven is ready, flip your bread basket onto a parchemin paper, add flour on the bread surface if you wish too and score the bread to your liking
Drop temperature to 230 degrees, bake for up to 35 minutes

IMPORTANT NOTE: these baking temperature & time are for a "half serving portion", you can change portion size on the left side top corner of the recipe page to suit your bread portion size


Let cool down and enjoy soon after 🙂


 500 g Wheat flour
 310 g Water (30 degrees celsius)
 8 g Sea salt
 2 g Dried yeast



Dilute salt and dried yeast with water from recipe then add your flour to it, mix all ingredients together with one hand until it forms a boule (make sure the bowl is nice and clean from any particles
Keep squeezing and squashing the dough agains't the side of the bowl for a couple of minutes then stop and cover with cling film or a plastic bag and let it rest at room temperature for 20 minutes


Knock back:
After 20 minutes, remove the dough from the bowl, place it on a lightly floured table and start folding the edges in the middle (this will finish off the mixing process and will knock back the dough at the same time) then place it back into the mixing bowl smooth side facing up (covered) and let proof at room temperature for up to 90 minutes (covered)


After the 90 minutes, repeat exactly what you've done in previous stage (above)
Line up your proofing container / bread basket with a bit of flour and place your loaf up side down (smooth side down)
Cover with a plastic bag / cling film to avoid drying out


Let the bread proof at room temperature for up to 120 minutes (depending on room temperature), the bread should have risen to about twice it's original size


Bake profile for the use of cast iron or terracotta pot:
Pre-heat your oven with your cast iron / terracotta pot (including lid) at 250 degrees
Once your oven is ready, flip your bread basket onto a parchemin paper, add flour on the bread surface if you wish too and score the bread to your liking
Remove the baking pot from the oven and slide the bread into it (with parchemin paper), place the lid back on and bake for 35 minutes with lid on at 230 degrees

IMPORTANT NOTE: these baking temperature & time are for a "half serving portion", you can change portion size on the left side top corner of the recipe page to suit your bread portion size


Bake profile for baking straight on baking tray:
Pre-heat your oven (baking tray in) at 250 degrees and place a small terracotta dish filled with water to generate steam whilst the oven is pre-heating
Once your oven is ready, flip your bread basket onto a parchemin paper, add flour on the bread surface if you wish too and score the bread to your liking
Drop temperature to 230 degrees, bake for up to 35 minutes

IMPORTANT NOTE: these baking temperature & time are for a "half serving portion", you can change portion size on the left side top corner of the recipe page to suit your bread portion size


Let cool down and enjoy soon after 🙂

Easy-Peasy Home Made Loaf